Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Yes, I'm still alive...

I'm just recovering from a nasty battle with a very persistent stomach bug. I spent the better part of a week throwing up or doubled over with crippling abdominal pain, and I'm pretty sure I know what caused it... every time I go to a certain restaurant chain, I end up violently ill. It's not that I think the restaurant itself is doing anything wrong, since I've had this problem no matter where I've gone to the restaurant, whether it's in California or Florida, New York or Chicago, or even here at home. I think it's just that they use too much grease or something, and not enough spices. I've found that unless food is at least a few thousand on the Scoville scale I can't digest it easily. It's funny, because most people have the opposite problem. Spicy is where it's at for me, at least if I don't want to get sick.

Of course, the fact that May was kind of the month from Hell probably didn't help much. I know that stress lowers your immune system, so maybe that's the reason I got sick. But enough about my health problems- expect some "interesting" rants soon.

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