Monday, July 19, 2010

Update, finally

It's been crazy recently. The air conditioning broke at work, and it's been 107 degrees most every day, so the boss let us all go with paid leave until the AC got turned back on. I'm actually getting ready to leave this job, because I have been offered a very well-paying job in a different city. I'm going to miss my friends here, and I do feel very bad because my boss has been so kind to me, but I told them all about it and they told me to go for it. I'm still going to come back and visit, because I'm going to miss them a lot. I don't make friends easily, so I'm rather worried about moving and having to get used to living in another city.

Also, G's friend got married recently, and I got dragged along to keep his friend's mother from asking where his girlfriend was (G doesn't have a girlfriend, nor does he want one. He likes living alone, and doesn't want to share his stuff). I will say this: weddings are interminably boring. Well, not every wedding. This one, however, went on for almost two hours since the stupid preacher WOULD NOT SHUT UP. Seriously, he rambled on and on for what seemed like a million years about what god expects in a marriage. It didn't help that the ceremony was outside at night. It was 95 degrees, and the mosquitoes decided that everyone in attendance was a giant buffet. I got covered with mosquito bites. It didn't help that the bride (G's friend was the groom) was a total bridezilla and pitched a fit when someone suggested moving the reception inside because of the bugs. Oh, and the preacher nearly ran G, G's mother, G's friend's mother, another friend of G's, and myself over in his Mercedes. Idiot. I know it was dark, but it's a little hard to miss SIX PEOPLE standing TO THE SIDE OF THE ROAD. Oh well, whatever. I think he was pissed because G's friend's mother made some rather snarky comments about his interminable sermon in earshot of him. Still, that's no reason to try to end us all.

Anyway, I'm having to inventory all of my crap before I move. Whee.

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