Thursday, June 17, 2010

STFU, Lawn Mowers!

People, people, people, I know you really want to mow your lawn to make your house look nice. And I know it gets hotter than hell once it's past 9:00 in the morning. But seriously? Some of us have to work, and don't really appreciate being woken up at 5:00 AM by Home and Garden enthusiasts. Look, I know it's important to you to keep your house looking nice. I get that. But you seem to forget that you're right across from an apartment complex full of people without lawns, and that your lawn mower sounds like an airplane with engine problems.

I'm not just overreacting, either. I live on the 6th floor, and all of my neighbors are irritated with your lawn-mowing morons as well. And if people who are several stories taller than your lawn are having problems, then you really need to either look into waiting until the evening, when everyone is awake, or get a new lawn mower. I think everyone in the complex would be willing to chip in to get you a quieter lawn mower... seriously. It's really annoying, and it's messing with my sleep schedule.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

New Blog

Do you have computer questions? Feel free to go check out Instant Help Desk. It's my hope that my new site might able to help some people with some simple computer questions.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Recently, I was cleaning a computer of unnecessary files, and I found something interesting. Not interesting in the "Oh god, what the hell is that?" way, but in the "Hmmm. I kind of want to see more of that" way. There is a very interesting Japanese drama called "Otomen," about a guy who is pretty badass all around- he does kendo (Japanese swordfighting) and always sticks up for the weaker students. But he has a secret: he likes pretty things, and he likes to sew and thinks stuffed toys are cute. He hides this to portray only his stereotypical badass side... but then he falls in love with a girl who's more badass than he is, and he is able to reveal his true self to her.

I love it, it's a great series. I really thinks it helps show the reality of life- that people aren't always exactly like the persona they project. In real life, I try not to seem so depressed, and I always act like my mother's suicide didn't really affect me all that much. But I can let my real personality show on the Internet.

Argh, this has nothing to do with the television drama, so I'm going to shut up now. If you're interested, you can watch it on, the series title is Otomen.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Yes, I'm still alive...

I'm just recovering from a nasty battle with a very persistent stomach bug. I spent the better part of a week throwing up or doubled over with crippling abdominal pain, and I'm pretty sure I know what caused it... every time I go to a certain restaurant chain, I end up violently ill. It's not that I think the restaurant itself is doing anything wrong, since I've had this problem no matter where I've gone to the restaurant, whether it's in California or Florida, New York or Chicago, or even here at home. I think it's just that they use too much grease or something, and not enough spices. I've found that unless food is at least a few thousand on the Scoville scale I can't digest it easily. It's funny, because most people have the opposite problem. Spicy is where it's at for me, at least if I don't want to get sick.

Of course, the fact that May was kind of the month from Hell probably didn't help much. I know that stress lowers your immune system, so maybe that's the reason I got sick. But enough about my health problems- expect some "interesting" rants soon.