Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Our New Helper

R's daughter's elementary school is on break this week, and since Mrs. R works for the postal service, she can't look after her, so R's brought her to work the past few days. She's hilarious, and really very helpful. She likes to see inside of the computers, so we all let her have a look when we're installing new hardware. G even let her install updates on someone's PC, which she found absolutely awesome.

Surprisingly she's very well behaved. She will watch us work for a while, and if she gets bored she'll go watch her Danny Phantom DVDs in the break-room. G was apprehensive about the whole situation at first, because kids can be rather unruly, but this one is very well-behaved, even if she did eat all my salsa. Even that was rather impressive- I eat only the spiciest salsa there is, and none of my coworkers can handle it, but R's daughter ate it like it was made of chocolate. Now I have to go buy more, since someone else will eat it now!

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