Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I LOVE YOU, G!!!!!!

My coworker G is the best person ever. Today I walked into work and there was a package on my desk. Which is nothing unusual, we occasionally give each other stupid presents. The last time I got a package like that it was a box of yuri manga, as payback for my "computer virus" stunt. I promptly chucked it at R's head, since he was the one behind it. So I was expecting something stupid, like more manga I didn't want, or panties with HTML code on them again (I'm looking at you, G, and D, even though you don't work here- it was still your idea!)

But today was different. G knows I have been looking for the Johnny the Homicidal Maniac comic books for a while, and HE FREAKING BOUGHT THEM FOR ME. Do you know how epic that is? Seriously dude, if there's anything you want I'll do everything in my power to get it for you, even if that means going to the moon and bringing you back a moon rock or something.

And even sweeter than that is the fact that the whole reason he got me the present was because he knows how difficult May is for me. G, you're amazing, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And if they do, then they'll have to answer to me!

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