Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Customer Files: The Flirt

Occasionally we get women in the shop who honestly have no computer problems whatsoever. They come in to ask a stupid question about something ("Are gigabytes bad for your computer?") while wearing revealing clothing. If I'm the one on duty, they see me and walk out the door. They'll walk past several times, waiting for either G or R to go on duty so that they can flirt with one of them.

It usually doesn't bug me. I mean, I'm not exactly the kind of person a girl would want to look at all day (I'm a rather disheveled female tech support worker), and I certainly can't begrudge someone from wanting to find Mr. Right. What I do wish they would do is wait until we're closed.

Today it did upset me a bit, but not for the reasons that it normally would. A local private school is getting ready to take the state exams and of course, didn't look into their computer problems until now, a few days before the exams start. Which means that they showed up yesterday morning with 340 computers in a U-Haul and wanted us to check them to make sure they'd work. Because of this, all other jobs have to be pushed back, and believe me, there's nothing scarier than an angry house-wife who wants her netbook de-virused NOW, or the frazzled older man who needs to use his BlackBerry for work, and it's not turning on. It's an enormous pain already, and when you add Miss Flirt into the mix, it complicates things a lot more than it needs to be done. Today, all three of us were in the back room trying to switch out dead hard drives on these computers. It looked like an electronics store exploded in there. This woman wearing the tightest jeans I'd ever seen and a very tight top came into the shop and asked to see G. So we sent him out. Apparently she was trying to flirt with him to get her laptop fixed faster and at a discount, even though it was quite obvious that we were up to our asses in broken computers. When G told her it would be Friday at the earliest, she flew off the handle and called him a faggot, just because he wouldn't respond to her hitting on him.

The moral of this story is: People, please. If you have a computer problem we'll be happy to help, but you need to understand that we have other customers than just you. Oh, and flirting with us won't work either. I have no interest in a relationship, R is married, and G is practically wedded to his Xbox so there's no point. It's not gonna work, and I'll laugh at you for trying. Because seeing you foolish humans so flustered and desperate is quite entertaining, to be honest.

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