Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snowpocalypse Now !

Only a few days after I wrote an entire post complaining about snow, we ended up with three feet of the white fluffy stuff. Not that I'm complaining, at least not yet- it means I don't have to do anything, and there's no work tomorrow. All I have to do is lie around, surf the Internet, watch some television (lately I've really been digging Spongebob Squarepants and Ellen DeGeneres), catch up on some reading, and snack on whatever suits my fancy. One problem with that? I have nothing to snack on since I haven't left the house in three days. I already ate all the Doritos and I'm running out of siopao dumplings.

Even so, it's not so bad. I'm falling back into the routine I used to follow when I was a hikkikomori- keep weird hours, not get dressed until late afternoon, walk about in a fuzzy blanket, do what I want when I want. I used to live that way when I was home for the summers, and those were some of the best times of my life. It might seem depressing to some, but honestly, I loved it. I would live that way now if I didn't have to work.

Outside all the neighbors are working to dig themselves out. Ha. Let them dig like little gophers all they want- it's just going to refreeze tonight. By biding my time I'm saving myself a lot of work in the long run.

Here's hoping I'll survive the rest of the Snowpocalypse!

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