Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Zetsubou the Snow Grinch

It might seem like a strange thing to hate, but I hate the snow. Snow means cold, which means Zetsubou gets sick. Which is what happened to me. I had to work today, so that meant I was holed up with my tea just counting down the hours until I could go home, put on my Snuggie and just rest. The worst part? Supposedly we're supposed to get more snow tonight. Bah.

I guess my dislike of snow started when I was a child. Where I grew up, snow wasn't magical. It hit the ground and then became dirty and disgusting. You touched that stuff and you'd be more than likely to start glowing in the dark. I liked it well enough when it got me out of school, but I never had fond memories of frolicking in the snow like a lot of people do.

Now it's just a nuisance. Driving around here in the snow generally means you have a death wish, since people see a snowflake and freak out. "OMGSNOW! EVERYONE PANIC!" And people suck at driving when they panic...

Maybe if I could have seen the snow the way most people do when they're children I wouldn't feel like this as an adult, but somehow I kind of doubt it. At the end of the day, the snow means the cold. And the cold means I get sick.

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