Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snowpocalypse, Round Two and Megavideo

Aaaaaand we're getting even more snow! I don't know whether to be happy or depressed. I'm happy because it means I don't have to do anything, but depressed because, well, I hate snow. It's also a bit of a problem because I'm running out of groceries, but the roads are still so bad that I'm afraid to go out. But with even more snow coming, I think it's time I go before I end up with nothing but crackers for dinner. I've been there- it's not somewhere I really want to be. So while it's not so bad being inside all the time, the snow is starting to piss me off. I just want to be able to go home and rest, you know?

But enough about the snow- one thing that has started to irritate me to no end is the Megavideo time limit. 72 minutes of video before it shuts down? Oh please, I can watch way more than 72 minutes in one sitting. And while it's not particularly difficult to get around, I'd prefer not to unplug the router after my videos buffer, or yank my network adapter out of the USB port. And I'm not about to pay just so I can watch stupid videos without being interrupted. Please. This is the Internet. No one pays for anything, and I don't really appreciate having to wait to watch some freakin' Looney Tunes.

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