Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Blind Rage

There are very few things that piss me off more than people making fun of the disabled. They can't help their situation, and people who don't get that and think that it is acceptable to launch personal attacks on them make me physically ill. Don't do it in my presence, if you're smart.

There is a very sweet teenage girl who comes to the store sometimes. She happens to have Down's syndrome. Everybody around here likes her, since she's just a very pleasant person. Well, today, we heard a bit of a commotion outside, and R and I went to check it out. At first, we thought it was just your typical scuffle between a boyfriend and girlfriend. And then we realized what was going on.

Two disgusting little lowlifes who I hesitate to even call human were picking on this girl. She obviously didn't know what was going on, and these two "boys" (and I use that term loosely- cockroaches would be more appropriate) were following her around, throwing little pebbles at her, calling her names, and just generally being disgraces to the human race. As soon as the two of us realized what was going on, R ran inside to tell G and the boss, and to call the police, while I went outside to break it up before anything escalated.

Let me tell you- these troglodytes weren't pleased that their "fun" had been interrupted, and turned on me. Big mistake. I grew up in a "if they attack you, attack back" society. Before I could do any real damage, though, G came charging out there and started swearing at them, and the boss called the police. The boys ran off, we made sure our customer was OK. The police took her home, and we went back to work.

Those sub-humans probably won't be coming back around this way anytime soon, though.

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