Thursday, May 27, 2010

Overworked and Underpaid

The past week has been miserable, and the fact that it's been just me and G at work has nothing to do with it. R's wife was in a car crash last Saturday, and while she thankfully wasn't hurt very badly, she did break her wrist and her leg, and as such hasn't been able to take care of their daughter or go to work, so R has been staying home to help his wife with some of the household stuff. Unfortunately, H (R's wife) can't do her job with the postal service, and that could affect their income substantially. Our jobs pay pretty well (enough to support a family of four), but R's daughter has extra medical expenses, and with H's emergency room trip they'll be getting a rather large hospital bill here soon. Losing H's income could prove to be rather bad.

And with the way prices of everything are rising, if you're married and the both of you do not work (unless you have a legit reason like poor health or a young child), then you're really just shooting yourself in the foot. This isn't 1700s England where the aristocracy could just loaf about all day and never do anything. We've gotta work, people! This is the 21st century!

Ah, that's enough ranting about work for now, well, work as in who should work. Basically twenty minutes after R called in on Monday saying that he couldn't come, all hell broke loose. A local private school that utilizes us so that they don't have to pay a full-time tech support staff is starting their state exams next week, and last week they showed up with a U-Haul full of computers with problems. We've been working overtime trying to get them working again before Friday, and while we're down to about 25 left, it's been hell. Because R is not working this week, that means that G and I have had to do everything, and some of the computers have screen issues. While I know a little bit about LCD screens, R is the real expert on them, and G is actually terrified of them (I can't blame him though, poor bastard electrocuted himself the last time he tried to work with one). So this entire week I've been showing up for work at 6:00 AM and clocking out around 9:00 PM. I haven't eaten anything that's not frozen dinners or drive-through takeout in days. Not that I cook, really, but it's nice to have enough time to get a decent meal rather than McDonald's or frozen taquitos once in a while.

I wish I could get some extra money, but I guess not.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Customer Files: The Flirt

Occasionally we get women in the shop who honestly have no computer problems whatsoever. They come in to ask a stupid question about something ("Are gigabytes bad for your computer?") while wearing revealing clothing. If I'm the one on duty, they see me and walk out the door. They'll walk past several times, waiting for either G or R to go on duty so that they can flirt with one of them.

It usually doesn't bug me. I mean, I'm not exactly the kind of person a girl would want to look at all day (I'm a rather disheveled female tech support worker), and I certainly can't begrudge someone from wanting to find Mr. Right. What I do wish they would do is wait until we're closed.

Today it did upset me a bit, but not for the reasons that it normally would. A local private school is getting ready to take the state exams and of course, didn't look into their computer problems until now, a few days before the exams start. Which means that they showed up yesterday morning with 340 computers in a U-Haul and wanted us to check them to make sure they'd work. Because of this, all other jobs have to be pushed back, and believe me, there's nothing scarier than an angry house-wife who wants her netbook de-virused NOW, or the frazzled older man who needs to use his BlackBerry for work, and it's not turning on. It's an enormous pain already, and when you add Miss Flirt into the mix, it complicates things a lot more than it needs to be done. Today, all three of us were in the back room trying to switch out dead hard drives on these computers. It looked like an electronics store exploded in there. This woman wearing the tightest jeans I'd ever seen and a very tight top came into the shop and asked to see G. So we sent him out. Apparently she was trying to flirt with him to get her laptop fixed faster and at a discount, even though it was quite obvious that we were up to our asses in broken computers. When G told her it would be Friday at the earliest, she flew off the handle and called him a faggot, just because he wouldn't respond to her hitting on him.

The moral of this story is: People, please. If you have a computer problem we'll be happy to help, but you need to understand that we have other customers than just you. Oh, and flirting with us won't work either. I have no interest in a relationship, R is married, and G is practically wedded to his Xbox so there's no point. It's not gonna work, and I'll laugh at you for trying. Because seeing you foolish humans so flustered and desperate is quite entertaining, to be honest.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I LOVE YOU, G!!!!!!

My coworker G is the best person ever. Today I walked into work and there was a package on my desk. Which is nothing unusual, we occasionally give each other stupid presents. The last time I got a package like that it was a box of yuri manga, as payback for my "computer virus" stunt. I promptly chucked it at R's head, since he was the one behind it. So I was expecting something stupid, like more manga I didn't want, or panties with HTML code on them again (I'm looking at you, G, and D, even though you don't work here- it was still your idea!)

But today was different. G knows I have been looking for the Johnny the Homicidal Maniac comic books for a while, and HE FREAKING BOUGHT THEM FOR ME. Do you know how epic that is? Seriously dude, if there's anything you want I'll do everything in my power to get it for you, even if that means going to the moon and bringing you back a moon rock or something.

And even sweeter than that is the fact that the whole reason he got me the present was because he knows how difficult May is for me. G, you're amazing, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And if they do, then they'll have to answer to me!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco de Mayo

Today, being Cinco de Mayo, meant two things at work. One, it was Comedy Sombrero Time, and two, CHIPOTLE FOR LUNCH!

About ten years ago, my boss went to Cozumel with his wife for their honeymoon, and while he was there, he bought a gigantic sombrero for the heck of it. It's about five feet wide, although it's got a normal sized place for your head. So today, it was Comedy Sombrero Time. We had a rock-paper-scissors tournament to see who had to wear it all day, and not surprisingly I lost. So I had to go about my work wearing a giant hat on my head, and trust me, it's a lot harder than it looks. The damn thing weighs about five pounds, which doesn't seem like much, until you put it on your head. Then it starts to feel like it's 5000 pounds. And I also learned the hard way- the hat does not fit under the desk, especially if you're wearing it.

But I accepted my defeat and wore that sombrero with pride. After all, come Halloween we all have to wear costumes to work, and invariably G ends up looking like a fool since he waits until the last minute to get his costume. So I accept my sombrero fate, knowing that this October we might have a reenactment of Toilet Paper Mummy.

But enough about the hat. Today, the boss got us all Chipotle for lunch, and we didn't have to pay a thing. He's so nice when does things like that... he technically doesn't have to give us anything except our paychecks, but he was kind enough to get us a special lunch today. Mr. Boss, I <3 you in a platonic manner.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dear Senelė

It's hard to believe that just eight years ago you were still with me.

Today I felt like you were with me again, beside me as I cleaned up your grave site. I could practically hear you talking to me again, telling me what to do to fix my appearance and how to do my job, even though you didn't know a thing about computers back in 2002, when you passed. I could hear you telling me to look after my dad, make sure he eats right and doesn't work too hard.

Well, even so, there's a lot you've missed in the past year. I turned 24. Believe it or not, Senelė, the sickly little girl you used to look after is officially in adulthood. Yeah, shocker. Even I'm surprised I made it this far. Our clan doesn't exactly have the best track record when it comes to health, either mental or physical. But I haven't shot myself, and I haven't contracted any deadly diseases, so as far as I'm concerned I'm doing pretty damn well.

Last summer it seemed like every single celebrity passed away. Not that you'd care, you only watched the television for the news and South Park, which you'll be pleased to know is still on.

I'm doing well financially, even though the economy still sucks. My coworkers are doing extremely well, and we're even goofier than we were last year now. Our workload has increased so much, though, that we're looking for a fourth person to add to our loony bin of computers. You'd like it there, we're always looking for a laugh. I'm not sure if you'd be pleased about this, or want to whack me with a broom again, but I still haven't lost my fondness for playing pranks on people. I still mess with my coworkers, and they get me right back.

You'll also be happy to know that I have continued your tradition of playing the lottery once a month, and last year in December won $200. It's not anything major, but I thought it might make you happy to know that the child you raised hasn't departed from her upbringing.

Dad is doing well. He and his friends have missed the midlife crisis stage, and now they're the funniest 40somethings I've ever met in my life. Seriously, at that age most guys are moping around and trying to buy a Ferrari. Dad and company just go to the pub once a week and complain about things.

I could go on, but you've probably got better things to do in the Great Beyond than listen to me ramble on and on. So here's to another year, where hopefully you will watch over me.
